Specialization is a key feature of the institute. We have thoroughly chosen those working areas where we have comparative advantages to achieve the expected impact.
Trade facilitation has incorporated many public and private entities that play a role in the trade of goods and services. Authorities that regulate entry, staying and exporting from territory of restricted merchandise such as foodstuff and medicines or cargo related services count as active trade facilitation agents.
The Single Window is the most representative instrument of trade facilitation, and its platform must encourage simplification and streamlining of trade procedures to improve commercial management.
Customs is one of the most important public function for trade facilitation, due to its inherent responsibility for goods traffic. According to the World Bank, customs accounts for approximately one third of all clearance time. Any service failure negatively impacts the country´s competitiveness.
Logistics Inefficiencies are equivalent to tariffs. Thus, we analyze those processes and regulations of international transport in ports and airports to achieve an optimum supply chain model.
Non-tariff measures take different forms of trade restriction, and are sometimes difficult to identify; their use has spread dangerously wide, encouraged by the international financial crisis. On the other hand, quality is an attribute of a competitive country. Standardization, Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment disciplines are increasingly necessary for a competitive trade, thereby reducing transaction costs. Regulatory impact assessments are key to mitigate flawed governmental measures that create technical obstacles inconsistent with international trade provisions.
Special Economic Zones (also known as Free Zones-FZ) have become an important mechanism to attract investment, industrial diversification and internationalization of businesses. Free Zones are growing specially in emerging economies. Special Economic Zones regime in Peru, so called Special Development Zones (Zonas Especiales de Desarrollo), consisting in both former Ceticos and Zofratacna, is experiencing major adjustments aimed at modernizing its legal framework and fostering incentives that encourages ZEE as an efficient alternative to the establishment of large scale companies either foreign or domestic, as it is currently happening in Colombia and México. Our partnership with the prestigious Colombian Law Firm Araujo Ibarra & Asociados (one of the world´s leading experts in ZEE) allow us to provide highly sophisticated services to locate and expand private investments in the ZEE, advising clients in their operational and logistics necessities in compliance with the governing rules of entry, permanence and exit of goods.