Completion of the project "Improving the efficiency of sanitary management under the trade facilitation agreement in Peru"


In March 2023, an important project to improve sanitary control in foreign trade in Peru will be concluded. IFCOM's Executive Director, Eduardo Garcia-Godos, participated as a consultant in the execution of the Sanitary Authorized Economic Operator, Second Test and Single Sanitary Inspector projects. Some important highlights of the ceremony were (i) the posthumous recognition of Dr. Thiery Woller (ii) the need for harmonization of the 3 control agencies: Senasa, Digesa and Sanipes, given that the control logic and therefore the process is the same. This is consistent with the standard procedure promoted by the Regulation of the Law to Strengthen the SW; (iii) Reactivate the Compial which, although it lacks regulatory powers, can clarify the competencies of the control agencies; and (iv) Digesa should be a specialized agency. The challenges of processed food control do not withstand the format of a line organ of the Ministry of Health.

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Putrajaya, Malasia
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Cali, Colombia
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Foundation of the Port Community of Callao

Lima, Perú
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National Forum in Trade Logistics

The word "facilitate" means making simpler or more simple, and this is precisely the objective of trade facilitation - making processes and procedures of international trade as simple and efficient as possible for traders, authorities and governments.
Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Commerce of the United Nations

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Address: Calle San Ignacio de Loyola 476, Dpt 302, Miraflores Phone: (511) 704-3795
IFCOM - Instituto de Facilitación del Comercio